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Three Reasons Why Thanksgiving Day is Awesome

1. The Niners vs. The Seahawks 

This game may be over hyped, I mean it is the NFL and anything can happen but just hearing these two team names, every football fan thinks: Rivalry. What better way to stuff your face with turkey while watching a legitimate rivalry on TV.

2. Football: A legit excuse to miss Thanksgiving Dinner altogether

There's lots of football games every year on Thanksgiving Day. Is your family annoying? Do you need a break? Just buy some NFL tickets and, boom, best excuse ever to miss the families thanksgiving dinner and watch LIVE football. I'm sure everyone will understand.

3. Seconds, duh.

If you don't get tickets to a game then grab a clean plate and head over to the kitchen for seconds! Don't lie, feeling uncomfortably full on Thanksgiving is the best way to spend the day.

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