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Last Known 9/11 Rescue Dog Gets Special Birthday Bash

NEW YORK (CBS13) - The last known living 9/11 rescue dog was given a hero's welcome in New York City.

Bretagne and her handler Denise Corliss were one of nearly 100 search and rescue dogs who tried to help save people trapped in the rubble after the Twin Towers fell.

The golden retriever was just two at the time and working for Texas Task Force 1. She is now turning 16 - and to honor Bretagne for her service, a bunch of organizations joined together to give her the best day of her life.

A video produced by BarkPost follow's Bretagne's best day ever: She got a flight to New York, was treated to some gourmet grub at the hotel she stayed at, got her own digital billboard at Times Square honoring her service, and was even given a special charm from Tiffany & Co.

"After hearing Bretagne's story and learning that her 16th birthday was coming up, there was no question in our minds that she deserved a Dog's Best Day for the ages," BarkPost wrote.

Bretagne even got a special birthday cake once she got back to the hotel -- and a present of $1,000 donated to Texas Task Force 1 so that more rescue dogs like her can be trained.



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