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Kayte Christensen: Be Honest, Did This Fool You Too?

There's nothing better than a good doppelgänger! Well, unless of course you're Lucky Whitehead.

In this case there were no crimes committed or jobs lost so it's all just fun and games.

Pro weightlifter Islam Badurgov looks shockingly like Connor McGregor and that is where the beauty of this all began.

[Warning...this video contains adult language]

Conor McGregor Ready for Heavyweight Division (Prank) | Muscle Madness by Muscle Madness on YouTube

Now be honest! Did this fool you too?

I give this guy credit. Just imagine the prep that went into this prank (the tattoos had me).  And at the end of the day, he made a lot of people's day at Muscle Beach. Just see minute 3:13 lol!

Check out the full story here for more pictures and videos.

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