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Cobbler Opens Up Shop At Warehouse Artist Lofts Building

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – It started with a book on shoe making.

"We were making the shoes originally in my house," said Benjamin Schwartz, owner of Benjamins Shoes.

For the past 7 years, he's perfected the technique.

"Quality is always the number one priority and we've gone through a lot of phases of the shoe.  And it took us a long time to get to this," Schwartz said.

Just a few months ago, he opened Benjamins Shoes in the Warehouse Artist Lofts (WAL) Building. He makes all the shoes by hand.

"We hand tack and glue everything and we cut the leather insole by hand.  We fill the midsole with granulated cork that comes from Massachusetts," Schwartz said. "It gives you an extra layer of protection."

Benjamin used to work for the state treasurer before making shoes full time. You'll notice he includes a lot of details highlight the connection with his name and former job.

"We realized the treasury sells us money that was never circulated by the bag. So just as an added detail, we put it in the box for the shoes and the font is the United States font.  It's the font that's on our money," Schwartz said.

They've shipped shoes all over the world, but most important is the local love.

"I'm really happy that we are receiving so much local support.  It's been really great," Schwartz said.

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