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Duke Freshmen Refuse To Read Book 'Fun Home' Saying It Violates Their Beliefs

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA – (CBS13)  Some incoming Duke University freshmen have refused to read the summer reading book "Fun Home", saying it goes against their beliefs.

"Fun Home" by author Alison Bechdel is an autobiographical work about Bechdel coming to terms with her homosexuality as her father remains closeted.

The novel was chosen for the Duke Class of 2019, but some students are refusing to read it due to its sexual themes, use of nudity, and reported compromising of their Christian beliefs.

According to the Duke Chronicle several students commented on the Class of 2019 Facebook page discussing freshman Brian Grasso's criticism about the book. He says many students privately messaged him thanking him for his post.

Senior Sherry Zang told the Duke Chronicle that the summer reading book selection committee expected the novel would be touchy among its readers. She added that the decision to read the book ultimately belongs to each individual student.

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