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Buy It & Try It: Spill Daddy Paint Pro

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) --  Emigh's Ace Hardware has been helping do-it-yourselfers with their paint projects for four generations. Manager Randy Aspinall warns painting is almost always messy.

The Spill Daddy Paint Pro claims it's the first ever spill proof paint bucket and will not spill if you kick it over, drop it off a ladder, even a 53-foot roof.

The commercial asks, "Who's your daddy? Spill Daddy".

You pour paint into the bucket which has a cone top, meant to keep the paint from spilling. Randy zeroes in on the fact the fill line in the bucket doesn't allow you to fill it with as much paint as he'd like.

Once he fills it with paint, Randy stages an accident, kicking the bucket over and all the paint stays inside.

Randy says if it was a regular can, "it would've been all over the floor".

When randy drops the bucket from a six foot ladder, the spill daddy's lid popped off and paint spilled all over.

"That wasn't good," he said.

The commercial demonstrates how impressive the spill daddy is, by dropping it off the roof of a 53-foot building. We climb atop the 17-foot roof of Emigh's Hardware. Randy throws the bucket off the side of the building just like the commercial. It crashes to the ground with paint spilling everywhere.

Playing off Spill Daddy's commercial which asks, "Who's your daddy?" Randy responds, "It's not my daddy. I'll tell you that right now".

I paid $19.88 for it at Wal-Mart.

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