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Temperatures Rise For Picnic Day

DAVIS (CBS13) - It may be Spring but the temperatures Saturday had thousands celebrating UC Davis' annual Picnic Day in the scorching heat.

Temperatures in the upper 80s, expected to reach low 90s, had alums reaching for water.

"We have 20 cases of water at each entertainment stage and at the headquarters," said event coordinator Mary Pauls.

Some waved fans to keep them cool as others guzzled cold drinks as the annual parade took to the streets.

While many were there to see the battle of the bands, it seemed others were battling the temperatures rising,

"It's so hot over here, definitely a great day for picnic day," said Jenna Gailey.

The temps were so hot some were seen dousing themselves with sunscreen.

But others didn't seem to mind the warm weather.

Picnic goers found a shady spot to beat the heat. Others were fighting for a cool down and some offering advice to those sweating under the sun.

And with dozens of exhibits at Saturday's festivities, many say it's more about the event then the high heat.

"It's like nostalgic memories. It's like the one day a year that everyone comes back together, alumni, parents, everyone!" said Jenna Gailey.

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