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Officers Track Down, Impound Car Weeks After Oakland Sideshow

STOCKTON (CBS13) — Law enforcement officers say they working diligently to stop the illegal and oftentimes dangerous "sideshows" that have been popping up around the region.

Case in point, California Highway Patrol's Stockton division says they recently teamed up with Oakland police to help track down a vehicle that had participated in a sideshow and was spotted fleeing the area.

stockton sideshow car impounded
This car had allegedly participated in a recent Oakland sideshow. (Credit: CHP Stockton)

When the exact sideshow took place in Oakland wasn't stated, but CHP says they've been investigating for several weeks.

On Wednesday, CHP posted that they had served a warrant in Stockton and impounded the vehicle.

The vehicle will now be impounded for at least 30 days.

It's unclear if anyone is facing any charges, at this point, in connection to the sideshow.

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