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Buy It & Try It: The Gyrobowl

Snack time at the Busy Bee Nursery School in Sacramento comes with messes. Nancy Aitken has been cleaning up after toddlers for 42-years.

"I know, longer than you've been alive," Nancy laughs.

I bet she could use a break from spills. I brought her my Gyrobowl I saw on TV. It claims to be absolutely kid proof saying no matter what, the bowl stays upright. The trick is the bowl's spill proof and kid proof 360-degree technology.

Nancy says, "If it works, I'll be surprised."

She poured some cereal into the Gyrobowl followed by some milk. We let the toddlers use it, and when it got slid across the table some milk and cereal splashed out. Although the commercial doesn't show liquids in the bowl, the packaging does not say you cannot put liquid in there. Then we realize the cereal gets stuck between the two layers, and the bowl is no longer turning. When it gets dropped, more cereal and milk spill out.

Nancy admits the Gyrobowl is more fun and works better than an ordinary bowl, but she says she doesn't see the value in it and it doesn't live up to its claim of being spill proof.

"If you want to have a spill proof child... you better not have a child."

The Gyrobowl says its dishwasher safe but cannot be used in the Microwave. I paid $12.88 and bought it at Walmart.

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