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Midtown Shoe Shiner Has Interesting Past

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - A familiar face at a Sacramento car wash has been shining shoes there for two decades.

If you've ever been to Harv's Car Wash in midtown, then you've probably seen Bernard "Chick" Richardson, but have you ever heard his story?

Richardson is the owner of Chick Shine in Sacramento and has been shining shoes at Harv's for nearly 21 years.

"I started shining shoes when I was about 10 years old. My brother had a shoe shining stand and I used to help him and I learned a lot of tricks about shining shoes," said Richardson.

He uses techniques, precision, and of course, his personality to clean shoes.

After working a high-profile job for the federal government, Richardson went back to his roots to cleaning shoes once he retired.

He's cleaned the shoes of celebrities, including Gov. Pete Wilson, and his skills have even been noticed in the local papers.

"He does a fantastic job, but not only the great job that he does, but always with a smile, with service, caring for his clients," said Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola.

And the customers keep on coming.

"He loves shining shoes and, mostly he likes the company of the people," said Delbert Stapp.

For Richardson it's all about the reaction on his customers faces that keep him cleaning one heel at a time.

"Just seeing when a person says that is the best shine they have ever had," said Richardson.

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