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Downtown Sacramento Restaurants Reopen After Cockroach Discovery

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Three local restaurants were shut down by the health department after a disturbing discovery inspectors recently made.

Cafe Bernardo was open again on Wednesday, but during an earlier surprise inspection, there were enough nasty things for Sacramento County to tell the place to close its doors, along with K Bar and Assembly.

County health inspectors found dozens of live and dead cockroaches inside the cafe at 10th and K streets. Most were on the floor, and according to the report, they found a cluster of "25 dead cockroaches on the floor and ledge behind and beneath 2-door reach-in refrigerator in espresso area."

While news like that is enough to creep some out, others wonder if nearby construction and closed businesses are adding to the problem.

Kevin Carpenter with Good Earth Pest Control says German cockroaches like the ones found in Cafe Bernardo are usually already there or the hitchhike into the restaurants, hidden in boxes.

"Usually, they stay pretty local, very rarely do they move great distances," he said. "[Restaurants] are buying product all the time, produce, meat vegetables and I see it all the time and so they're picking up these roaches without them even know it."

The restaurant has since rounded up the roaches and reopened.

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