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Sacramento Zoo Welcomes Newborn Wolf's Guenon Monkey

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - The Sacramento Zoo welcomed a new addition over the weekend - a newborn monkey.

Zoo staff says a Wolf's Guenon monkey gave birth on Sunday. Zookeepers are now keeping a careful eye on the newborn.

It's the second Wolf's Guenon monkey to be born at the Sacramento Zoo in recent years. The zoo's Wolf's Guenon pair welcomed a newborn back in 2013. That newborn was named Zuri.

newborn monkey (2)
Zookeepers are keeping a watchful eye on the newborn. (Credit: Sacramento Zoo)

The new infant has not been named yet.

Zookeepers are hopeful that Zuri will gain valuable experience in observing her parents care for the newborn - experience they hope she'll be able to replicate one day.

Wolf's Guenon monkeys are native to Central West Africa.

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