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Jackson Fire Dept. Reminds Swimmers To Be Careful And Wear Life Jackets

With summer comes many trips to the river to escape from the sweltering heat. But, with all the fun that comes from a day at the river, there are many dangers to be aware of as well.

After a couple incidents this week, the Jackson Fire Department wants to remind swimmers to use safety precautions when they go to the water.

Twice this week, Jackson Firefighters were called to the Mokelumne River along Electra road for swift water rescues. The first call came Monday afternoon when a dog was stranded 50 feet off the shore, trapped between strong currents.

mokelumne river dog rescue 1 - jackson fire dept

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Two firefighters swam to the dog, Sarge, and brought safely back to his owner.

mokelumne river dog rescue 2 - jackson fire dept
(Source: Jackson Fire Department)

The second rescue came later in the week at the same location when crews responded to a lone simmer stranded on a rock, unable to make it back to shore. Unable to get the swimmer to put on a life jacket and swim back, firefighters made their way over, put a life jacket and helmet on him, and brought him back to shore.

mokelumne river rescue 1 -jackson fire dept
(Source: Jackson Fire Dept.)

The young man was cleared by medical staff and released on scene.

mokelumne river rescue 3 - jackson fire dept.

The fire department warned that river flows are very high at the moment due to snowmelt, which makes the flows unpredictable. Additionally, the snowmelt makes the water extremely cold and puts swimmers at risk for hypothermia.

Officials recommend always wearing a life jacket and knowing your limits when you go out into the water.

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